When you look at something, your eyes see that view, and send that information to your brain, processing what you’re actually looking at. If one’s perception of a specific view varies from what they are actually seeing, this may be what is known as an optical illusion. Check out these optical illusions to see how your perception changes your view of each!
When visiting your eye doctor for your annual visit, you’ve probably seen those optical illusions used during the exam, but do you know what they are actually testing? The eye exam tests for a variety of eye conditions, specifically Frequency doubling perimetry when using an optical illusion in the testing process. The tests commonly consist of vertical bars and varying colors on a screen or in a book. Your ophthalmologist will monitor your reaction to specific photoreceptors within the retina when stimulated by the optical illusion, which may give insight into issues with your overall eye health.
Schedule your annual exam today to ensure your sight is sharp and your eye health is in optimal shape!